Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Ch1 Notes and Exercises

Chapter 1: The Structure of Argument
The Pillars of Argument
  • ·      Argumentative essay: intro has thesis statement; body=supporting evidence; refutation of arguments against argument being made; concluding statements

Thesis Statement
  • ·      One sentence; states position on issue
  • ·      Argumentative essay=argumentative thesis statement

  • ·      Material that supports thesis
  • ·      Ex: facts, statistics, observations ect.

  • ·      Acknowledge and refute opposing arguments
  • ·      Show how they are false

Concluding Statement
  • ·      Reinforce position
  • ·      Restate thesis

First Source: “In Praise of Tap Water” from New York Times
  1.  Restate the editorial’s thesis in your own words: It is essential that we ease up on our consumption of the water via water bottles because the amount of bottles we use has a negative impact on the environment.
  2.  Restate the concluding statement:  Change will occur if we realize that we can save money and the environment if we make the switch from bottled water to tap water.
  3.  The writer has several weak refutations. One opposing argument could be that there is a higher chance of harmful bacteria in tap water than in bottled water.  To refute this argument, one could find evidence that tap water is actually healthier because the materials used to make plastic bottles are more harmful to ones health than the natural bacteria in tap water.
  4. The purpose of paragraph 5 is to add evidence that change is happening and beneficial to the environment and us.
  5.     Arguments used in paragraphs 1-3:

·      Best public water supply
·      Using tap water is cost effective: yearly expensese add up to $1400 where as the price for the same amount of water in tap form would be only 49 cents.
·      Water bottles made from natural gas and petroleum
·      23% bottles actually recycled; the rest end up in land fills

Second Source: Poland Spring Water (picture) via
   The opposing arguments are that it is not 100% recyclable; there is too much plastic
thus its harmful to the environment; the bottle is not recycling-friendly; its too clunky,
thus its hard to carry.

Third Source: “Pure Water 2Go”
The argument that this picture is making is that if we use filter bottles instead
plastic bottles, the amount of trash collecting in landfills would be greatly

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