Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Ch 2 Notes and Exercises

Chapter 2: Thinking and Reading Critically
Reading Critically

  • doesnt mean challenging or arguing every idea
  •  comprehending, questioning, judging
  • acess accuracy of facts
  • are sources that writers uses appropriate?
  • consider opposing arguments
  • watch out for bias!
BEcoming an Active Reader
  • be active, not passive reader; active reading=reading critically
  • read, then re-read and highlight/annotate
  • Reading
    • focus on title, then first paragraph (thesis) then conclusion
    • look at topic sentences of each body paragraph
    • words and phrases that shape structure of argument
Comprehension Clues
  • phrases that signal emphasis: "the primary reason" 
  • repeated words and phrases
  • words and phrase that signal addition: also, in addition, furthermore
  • signal time sequence: first, after, next, then, finally
  • identify cause and effect: because, as a result, for this reason
  • signal comparison: likewise, simialaryl, in the the same way
  • signal contrast: although, in contras, on the other hand
  • signal contradiction: however, on the contrary
  • signal moves form general to specific: in fact, specifically, in other words
  • introduce summaries or conclusions: to sum up, in conclusion
Exercise 2.1
  1. Jone's Thesis is that violent media is actually beneficial for children to partake in.  
  2. One argument he uses is his own personal experience about how idolizing the hulk eventually helped discover his true self and launch a career path he dreamed of.  He uses the example of his son's intrigue in Tarzan and how it leads him to explore his abilities.  Another argument he uses to support his thesis is through his Power Play  program through which kids "improve their self knowledge and sense of potency."
  3. The largest, most significant opposing argument Jones makes is that media violence has a harmful effect on kids, especially during the wake of so many school shootings.  He refutes this argument by providing evidence against through his own reasearch findings and through other examples that back up his research.  \
  4. By sheltering children from the media violence, society is preventing them from discovering their emotions and dreams, thus we inhibit their ability to find their own sense of power.  

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