Wednesday, January 30, 2013

First Essay: The Impact of Technology on Social Relationships

Topic: Technology’s negative effect on the ability to form social relationships.

Title:  Technology the Inhibitor: The Downfall of Human Interaction

Thesis: Due to the improvement of technology and the increasing usage of these gadgets and the internet, people have become less social; society is impeded from forming strong social connections and relationships on a physical, emotional and intellectual level. 
Works Cited
Faina, Joseph. "Twitter And The New Publicity." ETC: A Review Of General Semantics
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Ferguson, Niall. "World On Wi-Fire." Newsweek 158.15/16 (2011): 4-6. Academic Search Premier.
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Gibbs, Nancy. "Your Life Is Fully Mobile." Time 180.9 (2012): 32-39. Academic  Search 
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Manago, Adriana M., Tamara Taylor, and Patricia M. Greenfield. "Me And My 400
Friends: The Anatomy Of College Students' Facebook Networks, Their
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Munkhsanaa Buyanjargal, et al. "Facebook And Romantic Relationships: Intimacy And   
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Rosen, Christine. "Electronic Intimacy." Wilson Quarterly 36.2 (2012): 48-51. Academic   Search
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